SINCON 2021 Conference — BizComm Talk
Day 2 (06 Nov 2021) 4.00pm—5.00pm @ Open Stage
You Need a Champion, Security Champion. How to Find R&D Allies for Security Team
Nowadays, business is increasingly going online more and more. At the same time, the problem of code vulnerabilities is becoming bigger: as security researchers, we see that the number of systems with vulnerabilities of a high severity is still large. In this situation, it is necessary to be able to persuade the R&D team that vulnerabilities are our common pain and we need to solve this problem together. In this presentation, we will assume the main reasons for underestimating the problem on the R&D side, identify the steps necessary to overcome this situation and tell you about a couple of cases where our customer's information security-related teams managed to do this.
About Alexey Zhukov
Born in 1975. Graduated from the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology with a degree in software development for computer systems.
Have more than ten years of experience in software development. Worked as head of the access management solutions department.
Since 2016, joined Positive Technologies. Leading expert in application security and actively participates in the development of application security products. The area of responsibility also includes interaction with customers and partners of the company including the POCs and implementation of secure software development lifecycles.